Yeah yeah, we're not supposed to say anything bad about Owen Hart but......

Publish date: 2024-08-25
I'd say that it affected his longevity and his style but, obviously, it didn't seem to have any effect on his popularity.

I like Owen Hart as much as the next guy but, since his death, his level of greatness has been heavily exaggerated. When you take away the aspect of his untimely death and the fact that he's Bret Hart's little brother, Owen Hart was almost exclusively a mid-card & tag team wrestler; he was talented and entertaining but he was still ultimately someone who spent the vast majority of his career in WWE as a mid-carder.

I know that sometimes we toss around the word "mid-carder" as if someone has gotten bubonic plague or something, but just because someone is a mid-carder doesn't mean that they can't have or haven't had a great career. Could Owen have possibly risen to bigger things? Sure, he was only 34 years old when he died so he still had time to potentially rise further up the card. However, the fact remains that he didn't and while talented, he's not someone that I see as being this huge, all time great that many fans since his death have attempted to build him up as.
