9/9 Impact Wrestling TV Results: Moores review of Rich Swann vs. Karl Anderson in a Bunkhouse

Publish date: 2024-08-20

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Impact Wrestling TV
Taped in Nashville, Tennessee at Skyway Studios

Aired September 9, 2021 on AXS TV

Highlights from last week’s Impact Wrestling show aired…

Matt Striker and D’Lo Brown were on commentary. Dave Penzer was the ring announcer…

1. Tasha Steelz (w/Savannah Evans) vs. Impact Knockouts Tag Team Champion Rosemary (w/Jessika Havok). Steelz hit Rosemary with a forearm. Steelz reversed a suplex into a rollup. Rosemary ended up biting Steelz and hit Tasha with a Release German Suplex. Rosemary locked Tasha in the Tarantula. Tasha sidestepped Rosemary’s missile dropkick and put a few boots to her. Tasha hit Rosemary with an uppercut, snapmare, and PK for a two count.

Rosemary ran the ropes, but right into a knee from Tasha who got another two count. Rosemary hit Tasha with a a shortarm elbow drop. Tasha recovered and hit Rosemary with a springboard bulldog. Tasha escaped a reverse suplex and hit Rosemary with a gamengiri. Rosemary sidestepped Tasha and came back at Tasha with a spear for the victory.

Rosemary defeated Tasha Steelz via pinfall in 4:49.

Savannah confronted Rosemary and Havok in the center of the ring. Tasha took the tag belts to ringside which distracted Rosemary and Havok. This allowed Evans to nail both woman with lariats. Tasha and Savannah ran away with the tag team belts…

John’s Thoughts: The match was a bit rough to start, but got better as it went on. While I thought they should have Tasha win her first few matches as her new, more serious, character, it’s also no shame to lose to a former face of the Knockouts Division. That said, I’m really high on the pairing of Tasha Steelz and Savannah Evans. It kinda reminds me of NXT’s Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez pairing (a big-little situation similar to Shawn Michaels and Diesel). Tasha has impressed me the last few weeks with her promo work, where she’s become less over-the-top and more serious. There’s a lot of upside with Tasha and Savannah is a good complement to her act.

Matt Striker and D’Lo Brown checked in on commentary and ran through upcoming segments on this week’s show…

Gia Miller interviewed Ace Austin about his upcoming matches. Ace Austin was hyping himself up, but was told he had some business to take care of by Madman Fulton. Ace and Fulton left the interview and walked over to Scott D’Amore. Ace bragged about beating Tommy Dreamer and noted that Christian needs to have a match before Victory Road too. Ace offered to find Christian a match next week. Fulton volunteered to face Christian next week. D’Amore joked about not knowing that Fulton talks. D’Amore went into his usual sarcastic rant mode, as he booked some sort of random 10 man tag match, possibly. D’Amore walked off.

Ace and Fulton then walked over to Brian Myers and Sam Beale who were having a meeting with Zicky Dice and Manny Lemons. Beale said that Fulton and Ace weren’t invited. Ace told Beale that he’s the number one contender. Ace asked Myers to be his partner in the 10 man tag match. Myers told Dice, Beale, and Lemons to take a note that opportunities come to you when you wait. Myers agreed to be Ace’s tag partner…[c]

John’s Thoughts: I actually like D’Amore as a GM. Partially because he’s not a heel, but also because he’s not the scared-weenie GM like Teddy Long was at points. That said D’Amore’s character tends to turn good matches (I thought Christian vs. Fulton would have been great!) and turns them into generic pro wrestling booking matches like a 10 man tag. While I got a chuckle out of D’Amore joking about Fulton knowing how to talk, this does continue the trend of D’Amore continuing to show no fear to giant monster heels.

The show cut to Eric Young’s random prison where Rhino was stuck in a jail cell yelling “help me!”. They also showed Young having a therapy session with Rhino across the table. Rhino walked out of the cell with a “Rhino vs. Everybody” shirt. Young said the violence is the only cure for Rhino. He said Rhino has suffered enough and it’s time to fulfill destiny. Rhino said he is at his purest form now. Young said he has baptized Rhino in the holy water of change. Young said the world doesn’t belong to them, it belongs to “us”…

The show cut back to the Skyway Ring, which was surrounded by weapons…

2. “Machine Gun” Karl Anderson (w/Doc Gallows) vs. Rich Swann in a Bunkhouse Brawl. Swann started the match with a flip dive on Gallows and then tossed Anderson into a sheet of plywood. Swann hit Gallows and Anderson wtih a trash can lid. Swann hit Anderson with a buzzsaw kick. Anderson recovered and hit Swann with a European Uppercut. Swann reversed Anderson with a whip into the apron. Swann leaned Anderson against the apron and punted Anderson in the balls.

Swann used a rope to beat up Gallows. Swann tossed Anderson into the ringpost. Anderson got the upper hand of Swann when he was playing to the crowd. Anderson beat up Swann with a trash can lid. Anderson suplexed Swann on the entrance ramp.[c]

Anderson and Swann traded blows in the ring. Anderson tossed Swann into a plank of plywood. Anderson tossed Swann into the plywood again. Anderson tried to senton Swann into the plywood, but he crashed himself into the wood wehn Swann dodged. Swann sidestepped Anderson and gave a can lid a gamengiri into Anderson’s head. Swann hit Anderson with a swinging neckbreaker and leaping mule kick. Swann hit Anderson with a standing splash for a two count. Gallows grabbed Swann’s leg which allowed Anderson to hit Swann with a spinebuster for a two count.

Swann blocked a Gun Stun with a handstand and then rolled up Anderson for a good two count. Anderson caught Swann with a clothesline from hell for a good nearfall. Gallows and Anderson set up a table in the ring. Swann escaped a Gun Stun and hit Anderson with a spinning jump roundhouse. Swann put Anderson on a table. Gallows crotched Swann on the top rope. Anderson hit Swann with a Super Gun Stun off the top rope. “I am the TABLE” moment with the table refusing to break. Anderson picked up the win.

Karl Anderson defeated Rich Swann via pinfall in 11:05 of on-air time.

Striker talked about how Swann and Anderson risked their careers in this match (Striker does oversell things a bit too much though)…

John’s Thoughts: Mixed thoughts. I liked that Swann got to look good and similar to his old main eventer self. He was manhandling and dominating Gallows and Anderson throughout the match. On that note, it was a bit odd to see Cruiserweight Rich Swann look so dominant over what is supposed to be a top-tier big man tag team. Gallows and Anderson continue to look weaker than they should. I also didn’t like that this was billed as a singles match, but became a handicap match because of the No-DQ stipulation. That’s totally fine, but it makes Swann look like a dope for both not expecting that or not finding someone like Tommy Dreamer or Eddie Edwards to be his backup.

Gia Miller had a sit-down interview with Mickie James and asked her about getting attacked by Deonna Purrazzo at NWA Empowerrr. Mickie noted that her match against Kylie was her first match in about a year and Deonna tried to take that moment away from her. Mickie said she should have saw it coming. She said a part of her wants revenge. Mickie said Deonna isn’t going to make a name for herself at Mickie’s expense. Mickie said she first showed up in Impact a few weeks ago for business, to promote her all-women’s PPV.

Mickie said it’s not about business now because she’s not playing the role of executive producer. Mickie said Deonna made it personal and Mickie takes pro wrestling very personally. Mickie said that Impact allowed Mickie to redefine her career and become “Hardcore Country”. Mickie said there’s a big difference between business Mickie and “Hardcore Country” Mickie. Mickie said Deonna will find out what Hardcore Country is all about…[c]

John’s Thoughts: Great sit-down interview with Mickie James and it’s good to see Mickie in an actual program now as opposed to being in happy-go-lucky promotor mode. Her promo did a good job selling the eventual Mickie James vs. Deonna Purrazzo match down the road. The fun thing about Mickie is that she can still go at a high level in the ring, so she’s setting up the potential for what should be a great match.

“Drama King” Matthew Rehwoldt cut a promo about wanting to face Trey Miguel. Rehwoldt was splattering red and black paint on a canvas…

The Impact Plus Flashback match of the week was Samoa Joe vs. Manik vs. Chris Sabin vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Austin Aries in an Ultimate X match for the Impact X Division Championship at Bound For Glory 2013. Sabin used Velvet Sky as a distraction so he could win Ultimate X…

Gia Miller interviewed Josh Alexander about his upcoming match against Chris Sabin. Alexander hyped up facing one of the greatest X Division Champions of all time, but also noted that as an 8 time champion, Sabin lost the title 8 times. Christian Cage showed up to confront Alexander. Christian said he was a big fan. Christian asked if Alexander would join his team in the 10 man tag match. Alexander talked about how he grew up a few blocks from Christian in Canada and how Christian taught him that pro wrestling was awesome. Alexander agreed to be on Christian’s team. Chritian said he also really likes how Alexander wanted to be the face of Impact when Omega was Impact champion, but Christian’s champion now. Christian said he respects Alexander. Alexander said he’s looking forward to facing Christian in the ring someday…

John’s Thoughts: They’re really pushing Josh Alexander hard as their “fastest rising star”. Will he be the Impact Wrestler that takes the title back to the Impact roster (which in a shoot way, is a downgrade, because having the title on an AEW wrestler grants Impact more star power)? I hope they decide to go all-in on Alexander because he does make a good shoot-style champion. I also wonder if they’re going the “Option C” route with him?

A replay aired of Rohit Raju pinning Chelsea Green last week…

Rohit Raju and Mahabali Shera were backstage for a Raju promo. Raju said a lot of people don’t like what he did to Chelsea, but he stared into her eyes and “she wanted it” so he gave it to her. Raju said that he’s a real man and Cardona is a coward that hides behind a woman. Raju said that felt great!

Entrances for the next match took place…

3. Chris Bey vs. David Finlay. Bey stalled by leaning against the ropes to start the match. Finlay chased Bey to ringside and pummeled him with strikes. Bey did a good job using dodges and reversals to reverse Finlay’s offense. Finlay caught Bey with a back elbow and senton for a two count. Bey rolled to ringside for a time out again. Bey draped Finlay on the second rope and caught Finlay with a springboard elbow.

Bey hit Finlay with a double hand chest chop. Bey hit Finlay with a dropkick to the back of the neck for a two count. Bey caught Finlay with a gamengiri and springboard lariat for a two count. Finlay blocked Bey’s cutter and hit Bey with a Back Suplex. Finlay caught Bey with a few running European Uppercuts. Finlay caught Bey with a blockbuster for a two count. Bey blocked a suplex and came back with strikes. Bey blocked a backbreaker with an armdrag, but Finlay rolled through into a backbreaker. Finlay locked Bey in a crossface.

Bey locked in a butterfly crossface on Bey. Bey got a toe on the ropes for the break. Finlay teased a finisher, but Bey got a small package for a two count. Bey hit Finlay with a John Woo kick and Spinebuster for a two count. Bey tried to roll up Finlay with a leverage pin, but Juice Robinson ran out and pushed Bey’s feet off the ropes. Finlay rolled up Bey for the victory when Bey was distracted by Robinson.

Dave Finlay defeated Chris Bey via pinfall in 8:41.

Hikuleo, brother of Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa, ran out and attacked FinnJuice. Hikuleo left Finlay lying with a big boot. Bey gave Juice a chop block with a chair, which allowed Hikuleo to nail Juice with a chokeslam. Bey wrapped a chair around Juice’s leg and gave it an assisted stomp. Bey and Hikuleo did a Too Sweet as the Bullet Club main theme played…

John’s Thoughts: A well-wrestled TV match. I’m still not getting much out of the whole “Chris Bey in Bullet Club” storyline. For one, Chris Bey doesn’t “actually” seem like he’s in or is being considered to be in Bullet Club. It also felt like Bullet Club was the cool thing five years ago and Impact is late to the party on cashing in on it’s popularity. They are also having Chris Bey obviously kill TV time while Jay White is away from Television. I can’t say I’m excited to see Jay White still be working with tag team wrestlers FinnJuice. Jay White is a main eventer in the ring and a main eventer promo. Put him in the main event singles scene as opposed to keeping him working with New Japan wrestlers that you can see him work with on New Japan World.

Scott D’Amore moderated a contract signing between Josh Alexander and Chris Sabin in a board room. Sabin said he has the utmost respect for Alexander, but this isn’t just a match for the title, it’s about building a legacy. Sabin signed the contract. Alexander said that Sabin is an 8 time champion, which means he lost the title 8 times. Alexander said no one has beaten him yet, and Chris isn’t at Victory Road. D’Amore said he knows that one person will walk out the winner and one person not the winner, but both men are killers for this company.

D’Amore said both men should shake hands because they are two of the best and he’s proud to have them represent Impact. Alexander shook Sabin’s hand and said he wants Sabin’s best at Victory Road. Alexander left the room. Christian showed up and asked Sabin to join his team. Sabin agreed…

Matt Striker hyped up Moose vs. Eddie Edwards for later in the show…[c]

The show cut to this week’s Swinger’s Palace segment, featuring Fallah Bahh, TJP, and No Way [Jose]. Nothing much came from the segment other than Zombie Kimber Lee and Zombie Brandi Lauren creeping in at the end…

John’s Thoughts: I know I had high hopes for Brandi Lauren’s return to Impact, but I didn’t want her to end up as an F’n Zombie. Can NXT sign her back please?!?

Entrances for the next match took place…

4. Steve Maclin vs. Petey Williams. Maclin stomped a hole into Petey in the corner. Maclin hit Petey with a catch suplex. Maclin hit Petey with a shoulder breaker. Petey rallied back with chops. Maclin came back with a knee and double boots. Both men traded reversals. Petey caught Maclin with a roundhouse and German Suplex. Petey reversed a Uranage with an amrdrag and followed up with a Russian Legsweep.

Petey caught Maclin with a Plancha into a huracanrana. Petey hit Maclin with a slingshot Codebreaker. Petey was about to go for the Canadian Destroyer, but for some reason Petey was over-the-top distracted by No Way [Jose], his bootleg Rosebuds, Fallah Bahh, and TJP in a conga line. Maclin hit Petey with a sitout driver (Drill Claw) for the win.

Steve Maclin defeated Petey Williams via pinfall in 3:28.

John’s Thoughts: Welp? That made Petey look like a real dumbass. I don’t know why they are continuing to try to get over what couldn’t get over in WWE. Impact should just stop. Give up on this gimmick that lost steam all the way back with Adam F’n Rose. Look! Steve F’n Cutler is in the ring and he’s F’n reinvented himself in an amazing way. Dude’s a monster beast and a dude with main event upside now. Take the hint, Jose! (because I don’t fully blame Impact Creative, unless this is somehow Tommy Dreamer’s doing. For both Jose and Heath Slater)

A replay aired of W Morrissey and Moose attacking Eddie Edwards last week…

Gia Miller interviewed Eddie Edwards about wrestling Moose with W Morrissey in the corner. Eddie tried to cut a promo about not being afraid, but Sami Callihan interrupted and asked Eddie if he would reconsider his help. Christian showed up and asked Eddie and Sami to join his 10 man team. Sami said he’s in. Eddie said he’s not joining the same team as Sami Callihan, so Christian needs to choose between Sami or Eddie. Eddie walked off…

An ad aired for Bound for Glory…

Gia Miller interviewed Ace Austin again about a team update. W Morrissey and Moose showed up. Morrissey said that he and Moose agree to join the team because either Sami or Eddie are on Christian’s team…

Matt Striker and D’Lo Brown checked in from their commentary set. They announced the following match for next week: Ace Austin, Madman Fulton, Brian Myers, Moose, and W Morrissey vs. Christian, Josh Alexander, and Chris Sabin with the final two spots undecided. The commentary team ran though the Impact Victory Road advertised card…

Entrances for the next match took place…[c]

5. Moose (w/W Morrissey) vs. Eddie Edwards. Moose took out Eddie with a pump kick early on. Eddie came back with an atomic drop. Moose came back with a shoulder block. Eddie reversed Moose in the corner and hit Moose with machine gun chops. Moose came back with a pump kick. Eddie pulled the top rope to dump Moose to the apron. Moose yanked Eddie’s arm over the top rope. Moose tossed Eddie into the corner for a moment of respite. Moose worked on the right arm of Eddie. Moose tossed Eddie, shoulder first, into the ringpost.[c]

Eddie caught Moose with a running clothesline. Eddie gave Moose a boot on the top rope. Eddie hit Moose with a Frankensteiner. Moose came back with a pump kick. Eddie responded with a elbow. Eddie and Moose traded fighting spirit strikes. Eddie turned Moose inside-out with a lariat. Moose reversed a Boston Knee Party into a release power bomb. Eddie dodged a spear, sending Moose into the corner. Eddie hit Moose with a shining wizard.

Morrissey put Moose’s leg on the rope for the rope break. Eddie hit Morrissey with a suicide dive. Moose caught Eddie in the ring with the spear for the victory.

Moose defeated Eddie Edwards via pinfall in 6:50 of on-air time.

Morrissey put the boots to Eddie after the match. Chris Sabin ran out and gave Moose a missile dropkick. Sabin gave Morrissey a Dragon Screw Legwhip. Brian Myers, Sam Beale, Manny Lemons, and Zicky Dice ran out to put the boots to Sabin. Josh Alexander ran out to clear Myers and friends from the ring with German Suplexes. Alexander hit Myers with a Jay Driller. Ace Austin and Madman Fulton ran out. Fulton and Austin hit Alexander with a Chokeslam-Fold combo. Christian ran out. Fulton went for a chokeslam, but Chrisian nailed Fulton with a Killswitch. Eddie and Christian gave Ace chops and tossed Ace out of the ring.

Morrissey gave Eddie a big boot. Alisha Edwards ran out and attacked Morrissey and Moose with a kendo stick. Morrissey was about to choke slam Alisha, but the lights went out and Sami Callihan appeared in the ring. Sami had two metal bats and handed Eddie Edwards a bat. Eddie and Sami cleared Moose and Morrissey from the ring with their bats. Christian got in between Callihan and Edwards to keep the peace. Eddie and Sami tapped bats to agree to a truce. Striker noted that this means that Sami and Eddie have joined Christian’s team. The show closed with the babyfaces standing tall as Sami’s theme played…

John’s Thoughts: Logical storytelling in the match and show close to set up Eddie Edwards agreeing to co-exist with Sami Callihan. I actually really like they way they’ve been playing this with Eddie rightfully being apprehensive of the guy who busted his eye with a baseball bat. It also helps that Sami is playing the role of anti-hero really well too in that he never really changed his douchey personality, but now he channels his douche-ness into fighting for what’s right. There’s a part of me wondering that with the AEW-Impact crossover, and what I’m seeing from a few indie cards, if we’ll ever see Sami Callihan team up again with his best friend from back in the day Jon Moxley? Both have come a long way since his and Sami’s days as “The Switchblades” (which may also be a conflict of naming conventions with Jay White if used today).

I actually give Impact a good amount of credit to building logically towards a 10 man tag match that I wasn’t looking forward to because it’s become such a cliché to have these “Teddy Long Tag Team Matches” in pro wrestling. They spent a good amount of the show using the set-up to give Ace Austin and Christian TV time and allow Christian to weave himself in various storylines on the show. I thought it was solid.

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